Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sujud Al-Syukur

Sujud Al-Syukur (The Prostration of Thankfulness)

Ibn Saleh

In the name of Allāh, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful;
All the praise and thanks is due to Allāh, the Lord of al-‘ālameen. I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allāh, and that Muhammad, Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam is His Messenger.

The Prostration of Thankfulness is another way to express gratitude to Allāh for His bounties. When a Muslim receives a bounty, hears good news or is rescued from a trial, he gets down on his knees, puts his forehead on the ground thanking Allāh Almighty for His favor.

Abu Bakrah (radhiyallāhu`anhu) narrated: “When anything came to the Prophet (Sallallāhu `alayhi wasallam) which caused pleasure (or, by which he was made glad), he (Sallallāhu `alayhi wasallam) prostrated himself in gratitude to Allāh." [Sunan Abu Dawud: Book 14, Number 2768.]

“Sujud Al-Syukur (Prostration of Thankfulness) is done in response to a calamity that is averted or a blessing which come to a person. It is like Sujud al-Tilāwah outside solah.  Some of the scholars are in the opinion that Wudhu’ and Takbīr is required, and some views that only the First Takbīr is required. Then he should fall down in prostration, and make du’ā after saying, ‘Subhāna Rabbiy al-A’lā (Glory be to my Lord, the Most High) as narrated by Huzhaifah bin Al Yaman (radiyallāhu’anhu) who reported that when the Allāh’s Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), Sujud, he would say the Tasbih: “Subhana Rabbiyal-A’la (Glory to my Lord, the Most High)”. This is related by Ahmad, Muslim, Abu Dawud, An-Nasā’ie, Ibn Mājah and at-Tirmidzi, who called it Hassan (good) sahih.” [Fatāwa Islamiyyah, 1/205)].

Or saying one of other Tasbihah said by Rasulullah (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam) such as thhere is no specific mention of how the Tasbih should be said in Sujūd Syukur. The Tasbih in the Sujūd Syukur is the same as in the Sujūd of the Solāh, which is to say one the Tasbih:
  • In another narration of ‘Uqbah Ibn ‘Amr (radiyallāhu’anhu) he reported: Rasūllullāh (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) would also say Tasbih“Subhāna Rabbiy al ‘alā wa bihamdih (How Perfect is my Lord, the Most High, and the Praised) ”, three times. [Sahih: Abu Dawud, Daraqutni, Ahmad, Tabarāni and Bayhaqi]  
  •  'Aishah (radiyallāhu’anha) reported the Messenger of Allāh (Sallallāhu 'alayhi wasallam) used to say when Ruku’ andSujud: “Subbūhun Quddūs Rabb ul-Malā ikatu wal-Ruuh" (The Perfect, Blessed [Abu Ishaq said: subbuh means "the one who is free of any defect", while quddus means "the Blessed" or "the Pure". Ibn Saidah said: Glorified and Blessed are attributes of Allāh, Mighty and Sublime, because He is glorified and sanctified by others. (Lisān Al-‘Arab)] Lord of the Angels and of the Ruh).[Narrated by Muslim (487) and Abu ‘Awānah]
  • ‘Aishah (radiyallāhu’anha) also reported, who said: The Prophet (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used also to recite frequently in his Ruku’ and Sujud: Subhānakallāhumma Rabbanā, Wabihamdika, Allāhummaghfirli (Glory is to You, O Allāh! Our Lord, And all the Praise be to You. O Allāh! Forgive me.” Implementing (the order of) the Qurān: "Fasabbih bihamdi Rabbika wastaghfirhu innahu kana tawwaba (Then glorify with the Praises of your Lord, and seek His Forgiveness, for He is Oft-Returning.)" (Nasr, 110:3). [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
  • ‘Ali bin Abu Talib (radiyallāhu’anhu) reported who said: The Prophet (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) used also to recite:“Allāhumma laka sajadtu, wabika āmantu, walaka aslamtu [waantarabbi], Sajadawajhiyalillazi khalaqahu Wasawarahu, [fa ahsanasuwarahu], wasyaqqan sam ‘ahu Wabasarahu [fa] Tabarakallā-hu ah-sanul khaliqeen (O Allāh! For you I have prostrated; in You I have believed; to You I have submitted; [You are my Lord;] my face has prostrated for the One Who created it and shaped it, [shaped it excellently,] then brought forth its hearing and vision: [so] blessed be  Allāh , the Best to Create!) ”  [Muslim, Abu ‘Awanah, Tahawi and Daraqutni]
  • ‘Aishah (radiyallāhu’anha) also reported “ When Allāh’s Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam)  sujud for  Tilawah  he would say: "Sajada-wajhiyya-lillazi-khalaqa-hu wa-sawwarahu, Wasyaqqan sam  ‘ahu wabasarahu tabarakallā-huah-sanul-khaliqeen  ( I have prostrated for the One Who created it and shaped it, [shaped it excellently,] then brought forth its hearing and vision: [so] blessed be Allāh, the Best to Create! [At-Tarmidzi]
  • Abu Hurayrah (radiyallāhu’anhu) reported that the Allāh’s Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam), would say while sujud:“Allāhummaghfirli zanbi kulluh, wadiqqahuwajillah, wāwalahu waakhirah, wa’ala aniyatahu wasirrahu” (O Allāh! Forgive me all my sins: the minor and the major, the first and the last, the open and the hidden). [Related by Muslim, Abu Dawud and Al-Hākim] 
  • Ibn ‘Abbās (radiyallāhu’anhu),in describing the Solāh Tahajjud of the Allāh’s Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wasallam), said, “Then he would go to Solāh and during his sujud, he would say“Allāhummaj ‘alfiyqalbi nura, [wafi lisaani nura], waj ‘alfi sam’ie nura, waj ‘alfibasari nura, waj ‘almintahty nura, waj ‘alminfawqinura, wa ‘anyamini nura, wa ‘aniyasari nura, waj ‘alammami nura, waj ‘alkhalfi nura, [waj ‘al fi naf si nura] wa’dhimli nura” (O Allāh! Place light in my heart; [and light in my tongue;] and place light in my hearing; and place light in my seeing; and place light from below me; and place light from above me, and light on my right, and light on my left; and place light ahead of me; and place light behind me; [and place light in myself;] and make the light greater for me.)[Recorded by Ahmad Muslim, Abu ‘Awānah and Ibn Abi Shaibah (12/106/2, 112/1)]An-Nawawi (rahimallāh) observes: “The scholars say that asking for light for all organs and sides means (asking) to have the truth and guidance made clear for one’s self. He asked for this so that there would be no deviation or misguidance left in him.” 
  • ‘Aishah (radiyallāhu’anha) reported: “One night I missed the Allāh’s Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) from his bed. I looked for him and found him performing Solāh (Tahajjud). He was in sajdah, his feet were in an upright position and he was saying:Allāhumma [inni] a ‘uzubi ridhakamin sakhatik, wa [a ‘uzu] bimu ‘afatikamin ‘uquwbatik, wa a ‘uzubikamink, lāahsithana an ‘alayk, anta kamaathnaita ‘ala nafseek" (O Allāh! [Indeed] I seek refuge with Your Pleasure from Your Anger; [I seek refuge] with Your Pardons from Your Punishment; I seek refuge with You from You. I cannot count all exultations upon You; You are as You have extolled Yourself”[Muslim, Abu Dawud and An-Nasā’ie, Abu ‘Awānah and Ibn Abi Shaibah (12/106/2, 112/1)]
  • ‘Aishah (radiyallāhu’anha) also reported that one night he was missing and she suspected that he had gone to another one of his wives. She found him while he was ruku’ or sajdah and he was saying“Subhānaka [Allāhuma] wabihamdika, lāilāhailla anta (Glory be to You, O Allāh, and to You be praise. There is no god besides You).” She said, “May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. I thought you were doing something and you were doing something else.” (Related by Muslim, Ahmad and An-Nasā’ie and Ibn Nasr]
  • And ‘Aishah (radiyallāhu’anha) also reported “While Sujud the Allāh’s Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam), would say: “Allahummaghfirli khati wa jahli, wa israfi fi amri, wama anta a’lamu bihi minni. Allahummaghfirli li jaddi wa hazli, wa khati wa amdi wa kulla dzalika ‘indi. Allahummaghfirli maqaddamtu wama akhartu, wama asrartu wama a’lantu. Anta ilahi, la ilaha illa anta (O Allah, forgive me (those things that I have been) mistaken in or ignorant, and the action that I have been extravagant in, for You are more knowledgeable of them than me. O Allah, forgive me my serious mistakes and my joking mistakes, my mistakes (that I was unaware of) and of my intentional mistakes, and everything of that which I have done. O Allah, forgive me my past sins and later sins and what was private and what was public. You are my God, and there is no god except You.” [Muslim, Ahmad and An-Nasā’ie]

And the du’ās which are Sunnah to say in sujūd may also be recited.

It is mustahabb to make du‘ā when observing Sujud, reciting whatever you can of the du‘ā’ prescribed in syari’āh, because  Ibn ‘Abbās (radiyallāhu’anhu) reported that the Allāh’s Messenger (Sallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said: ‘The closest one of you comes to his Lord is while he is in Sajdah, (therefore) make many supplications therein’.  And he also said, ‘I have prohibited you from reciting while Ruku’ or Sajdah. During the Ruku’, glorify the Lord. During the sajdah, strive your hardest in making supplications. Most likely, you will be listened to.” This was recorded by Ahmad and Muslim.

Ibn Qudamah (rahimahullah) said: “The description, rulings and conditions of Sujud Al-Syukur are the same as those for Sujud Al-Tilāwah (prostration required when reciting certain verses of Qur’an)”. (Al-Mughni, 2/372)  “He should say in this prostration what he says in the prostration during Solah   [Al-Mughni, 2/362]

And Allāh Almighty Knows best.

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